What’s New Sebastopol…?

Here’s a list with links to some of the more significant construction projects that have been approved, or are in the review process. Clink on the link to find out more or go to The City of Sebastopol for a list of all ongoing projects.

HUNTLEY SQUARE - 7950 Bodega Ave Approved development of qo residential mini townhomes

THE CANPOY - 1099 Gravenstein Hwy N. Approved development of 80 townhome style condos

PACIFIC KNOLLS - 7621 Healdsburg Ave Proposed townhome project. Approved for 24 units as of 8/27

7631 Healdsburg Ave - Four apartments and one-single family house. Pending

St. Vincent De Paul - 845 Gravenstein Hwy N. 22-unit one-story housing project. Summer 2024

Habitat for Humanity - 333 N Main St. Approved (4) three bed two story townhouses with garages.

BARLOW HOTEL - 6782 Sebastopol Ave. Proposed mixed-use 83-room hotel located on the Guyaki site within the Barlow Market district

HOTEL SEBASTOPOL 6828 Depot Street. Approved mixed use project that includes 66-room hotel, artist studios, retail spaces, and restaurant

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